Klaus Ellerhusen Holm
Photo by Peter Gannushkin
Klaus Ellerhusen Holm was born in Oslo on July 30, 1979. Currently living in Trondheim and working in the field of improvised music and the outer regions of jazz. Enjoying and feeling at home in a number of different settings within this environment.
Started playing the cornet at age six, but soon after changed to the saxophone. He has a bachelor degree from the jazz department at the Trondheim music conservatory and has studied composition at the Norwegian academy of music. Currently the most active projects are: Honest John (cd Canarie – Rudi Records, 2014. International Breakthrough - Clean Feed, 2017), Large Unit, led by drummer Paal Nilssen-Love (cd/vinyl/cassette/flexi disc: First Blow, Erta Ale, Rio Fun, Ana, Selected Tracks – PNL records 2014-17) and Ballrogg with Roger Arntzen and Ivar Grydeland, now with Swede David Stäckenas replacing Grydeland since 2016. (cds: Ballrogg – Bolage, 2008; Insomnia – Bolage, 2010; Cabin music – Hubro, 2012; Abaft the Beam - Clean Feed, 2017). He is also working in a duo format with Swedish guitarist David Stackenäs. As well as large formats with Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, where he is a steady workhorse playing works by young Norwegian composers. Among others: Kim Myhr (cd Stems and Cages, Kim Myhr & Jenny Hval– MNJ records, 2010), Øivind Brække (cds: Migrations – MNJ records, 2011), Motorpsycho with Ståle Storløkken (cd The Death Defying Unicorn – Stickman Records, 2012) and Espen Reinertsen in 2015. In addition there are also some occasional solo performances.
He has performed music in 17 countries, and recent performances include Saalfelden Jazzfestival, Music Unlimited Wels, Portalegre Jazzfestival as well as most of the major Norwegian jazz festivals.
He has also collaborated with, or played in ad hoc settings with: Arild Andresen, Mats Äleklint, Johan Berthling, Xavier Charles, Clare Cooper, Jim Denley, Axel Dörner, Michael Duch, John Edwards, Sidsel Endresen, Sture Ericson, Ingebrigt Håker Flaten, Frode Gjerstad, Ivar Grydeland, Anders Hana, Dave Holland, Carl Ludwig Hübsch, Terje Isungset, Håkon Kornstad, Ola Kvernberg, Ole Henrik Moe, Matthias Muche, Lars Myrvoll, Kim Myhr, Kjell Nordeson, John Russell, Kari Rønnekleiv, Ignaz Schick, Raymond Strid, Mattias Ståhl, Christian Wallumrød, Stian Westerhus, Joe Williamson, Ingar Zach and Per Zanussi.